Skatepool Wilnsdorf, Germany
In connection with the rearrangement of the new bike park in Wilnsdorf, we planned a 200m2 concrete pool. We designed it for an association called Förderverein Skateranlage Wilnsdorf e.V. Since over 10 years the association is busy with the structural maintenance, after a long time they got the financial support to start with the rearrangement.
The start of the new concrete pool was on the 21.08.2017. A small part of the concrete pool was build by the association, but the bigger part was made by a professional company. The design was made in cooperation by Dietsches O.M.S.A. One important characteristic of the concrete pool is the waterfall, which has a height difference from 1,7m to 2,3m. Next to the waterfall, we build a Hip to skip between the levels. Across from the Hip the skaters have the possibility to do creative lines.